Sunday, September 13, 2009

Big Shoulders, Ohio Street, September 12

With all the cold water a few weeks ago and the overall cool summer people were apprehensive about the 5K Big Shoulders race at Ohio Street. But when I got up on race morning the bigger problem appeared to be fog. At my house one could barely see 50 feet, which would make navigating extremely difficult. But by the time I arrived at the beach the Ohio Street area was clear and sunny, although fog was clearly visible further up the Lake. Because of fears of cold water they had arranged for a vendor to rent wetsuits at the meet and had a table where one could change to the wetsuit division. The announcer tried to drum up business, but there were few takers. In fact this was clearly the nicest day of the summer on the Lake and one of the nicest Big Shoulders ever, at least weatherwise. The Lake was flat at the start and 69 degrees. As mentioned, the sun was out and the air temperature was already in the low 70s at race time. As the race progressed some wind did come up and it began to get hazy and less comfortable for the audience and more bouncy for the swimmers but it was still very nice. If anything, when I got out I was hot rather than cold. Of our group who swam, Ken, Ellen, Sue, Stuart, Leo and me, only Ellen was a bit cold after the race.

Maybe we'll get a 70 degree water day yet this season!