Evanston, August 30
Our first shock upon arriving at our beach this morning was that the street where we park was torn up for sewer work. The was no legal parking anywhere. Not a real problem, Evanston has lots of beaches and it was past time this summer we should try another one. So we went to a nearby one where there was lots of parking. In fact, things started looking real good as there was a notice that due to guards returning to high school the beach would not be "open" until 4:30 which we interpreted as meaning that no one would be around to "close" the water or otherwise hassle us until we were long gone. So we went for a nice swim, there was a developing north wind but at the time the waves were only about 1 foot and though somewhat insistent on pushing us around we were able to swim though them without much trouble. I may have been DQed for not touching the far wall, but with the waves and not being familiar with the wall I opted to not tempt the under-toe, the mythical lake monster of Evanston who preys on unauthorized swimmers. Swimming back was fine but I noticed a slight outward current as I neared the beach. Unfortunately I had an early afternoon meeting so we could not make ourselves real comfortable on the beach. But it was just as well as just as we where taking a last dip before leaving a lifeguard and briefcase showed up to be official party poopers.
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