Evanston, September 15
The weather has been wet and the Lake wavy this week, and after last Saturday swimming in waves was not my thing. Today was better and Ken was free for a while so we wandered down to the usual Evanston beach mid morning. It was a bright sunny day with no wind to speak of in the morning, but the air was a bit cool. The water was almost flat, just some ripples and small swells. The water was very cloudy, however and we could not see even two feet down. The temperature was a very reasonable 67 for this time of year. We went to the wall, and then all the way back to the near wall keeping a brisk pace. Ken is younger and somewhat more ambitious than Mike. The bikini clad lady at the end on her cell phone did apparently finish her call and finally go in for the winter since I was here last. After the swim Ken had to go directly to his side job for the day so we brought two cars. I stayed for another hour and enjoyed the nice September day, it would have been more pleasant without the noisy workmen reroofing the bathrooms and vacuuming out the sewers nearby. For much of the hour there was only one woman on the beach reading her paper, besides me, but activity was picking up as I left around noon.