Evanston, August 30
Almost perfect again, air 60, water 72-73, flat and clear. Only a bit of fish smell near the walls kept it from being perfect. Jody, Joe, Sue and I swam. Out and back, two of the four of us are not entered in Big Shoulders so the Cheap Shoulders was scrubbed, at least for today.
Just before we finished two other swimmers appeared out of the lake. One looked ordinary, suit and cap like us, the other guy had a full wet suit with bright pink cap and was trailing a large pink kids inner tube shaped flotation device. They had swum down from Lighthouse beach at the opposite end of Evanston, about three miles. The pink for visibility.
Just before we finished two other swimmers appeared out of the lake. One looked ordinary, suit and cap like us, the other guy had a full wet suit with bright pink cap and was trailing a large pink kids inner tube shaped flotation device. They had swum down from Lighthouse beach at the opposite end of Evanston, about three miles. The pink for visibility.