Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ohio Street, July 17

Yesterday I begged off to get my nose in order, tried out nose clips in a pool. The crew was supposed to Lake swim without me but everyone slept late instead. Joe did eventually go to Evanston and said it was great. Today Leo, Jody and I went to Ohio. The water was warm, 74, and flat, not a breath of wind, clear but slightly hazy sky and underwater visibility was about 4 feet, not great, but not as bad as the last swim. Especially going out when there were few other swimmers, swimming was about as easy as I can ever remember it. A flat Lake without nearby swimmers is much calmer than even a pool and one can just glide forever. Even struggling with the nose clips it felt good. We effortlessly swam all the way to Oak St beach and back. Leo, who knows these things, said we went 2.5 km: small shoulders. It was a bit colder near Oak St, only about 73.

We didn't want to leave but we had to rescue Leo's Caddy before the meters went into effect. And the beach was getting crowded which somewhat ruined the mood. But we just felt blessed to have experienced a swim like this one.