Evanston, August 5
The Lake is always surprising us, not at all like yesterday. The air was cool and cloudy courtesy of a nighttime storm that didn't quite materialize. There were signs of light rain around us but nothing on us except for a couple of minutes of light drizzle at the end of our swim. But paradoxically the humidity was low and we had little trouble with goggle fogging. There was a slight north breeze with a few isolated gusts. The water was 72 and waveless but a steady ripple. It made lakelike gurgling sounds as it hit our bodies. There was a notable current north to south making the swim out extra long. We could almost float back, so that is sort of was we did. We had a pleasant trip back watching the birds as if we were in a small boat. So it ended up being a very relaxing and renewing swim and both felt good the rest of the day.
Here is today's picture.
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