Monday, September 03, 2012

Evanston, September 3

The prediction of no wind, fog and 1 foot waves hit only 1 out of 3, no wind. Fortunately there was no fog, instead we had bright sun and good visibility. But the waves were the 2 to 4 foot category, more 2 and just the occasional set of 4 footers. Without the wind these were just the remnants of Hurricane Isaac, but there was some chop on the swells. Still, swimming was easy enough so we did a wall to wall. We had planned to do more but the waves were too inviting for body surfing so Jody and I did that instead. The water was a bit chillier, around 71 but with 75 degree air it was comfortable enough.

We had hoped to do more but we did have over 3 miles in this long weekend and some valuable practice in waves. The early predictions for next Saturday's Big Shoulders are not promising so that wave work may come in handy.